How do I bring my employee back to work safely, and how do I help my employees feel safe?
The last three months have been a phase of anxiety and depression with the COVID-19 explosion. Moreover, countries have gone into lockdown. Employees are working from their homes. Now, the government is looking at implementing business reopening measures. Employers also need to plan to move their employees back to their physical workplace location.
COVID-19 pandemic spreads via respiratory fluids, so the guidance got from local, state, and federal government directs employers to remain closed until they are capable to execute safeguards for limiting coronavirus spread.
The safeguards according to CDC include -
Practice healthy hygiene
Social distancing
Intensify ventilation, cleaning, and disinfection
Telework & cancel insignificant travel
Restrict shared item spaces
Seating distance of a minimum of 6 feet
Wear masks
Train staff on every safety actions
Other CDC ongoing monitoring protocols for business to establish before opening are -
Establish a daily routine employee health check
Sick employees need to stay home
Monitor nonattendance and have flexible time-off policy
Have an action plan to handle situations where an employee tests COVID-19 positive
Create and test an emergency communication network for employees
Establish communication with the local and state authorities
Establish disability discrimination law while deciding which employees can return back to work, according to their medical conditions
Employer’s safety protocols for staff returning to work
Employers need to formulate their return to normalcy as safely as possible. Government and CDC safety guidelines can help them prepare for workplace return, after a long coronavirus lockdown.
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Start Free TrialSome areas employers need to cover
Monitor temperature
Limit access points inside your workplace premises and check employee temperature in an outside area. The employee with temperature 100° and more must be sent home. Ask the employee to maintain a 6-foot distance from other staff members, while they move to go out.
Wear masks
The staff members, who handle the public need to wear a mask. If you are unable to supply masks ask the employees to make their own. CDC has recommended that common people can wear masks made from cotton cloth for protection from coronavirus. If you are not a needlework person wear a scarf or bandana to cover your mouth and nose.
Wearing masks at the workplace will reduce the risk of getting infected or spreading the virus [sometimes people are not aware that they are coronavirus positive because there are no visible symptoms].
Talk less and email more
People release aerosol particles while speaking. The loud you talk the more possibility of more germs and viruses get released increases. Employees need to avoid physical communication. It is wise to email a text or sends messages because maintaining 6-feet distance reduces the risk of getting infected, the best communication method is chatting online or via phone.
Disinfect high touch surfaces
Sanitizers and disinfectant wipes are not easily available but you will need to keep common surfaces like tabletops, restrooms, and doors clean. Therefore use homemade disinfectant sprays and wipes. You can find how to make it on YouTube.
Consider adding extra handwashing stations. Prepare signage or instruction for visitors and employees to avoid confusion associated with containment practices on reopening.
Shut common areas
Break or lunchrooms need to be shut down. Encourage employees to take a break at their desks or limit the number of employees in common areas for lunch, but maintain a safe distance.
Maintain distance all the time
Evaluate the physical workplace layout to ensure there is a minimum of 6 feet distance between two workstations. It is wise to stay as far as possible from your coworkers. Employees in their cubicles and offices can easily maintain distance. Employees that work closely need to maintain minimum space distance. Be creative to work efficiently with a smaller amount of close contact. Distancing is necessary to limit the spread!
High-risk employees need to be protected
According to COVID-19 data people having underlying medical issues or whose immunity is compromised are at high risk to get infected. Employees need to prioritize their health and ask for time off or work from home. Employers can offer financial relief to such employees if they are unable to return to work.
Carry lunch and beverages
Coffee machines and refrigerators in the office are high traffic areas that need to be closed temporarily. Vending machines are safe to use when everyone washes their hands before and after they hit the buttons. Businesses can ask employees to carry utensil dispensers and single-serve straw from their homes.
Modify work hours, if necessary
Shifts or staggering hours may be needed to make sure employees maintain sufficient distancing. Alternate workdays for different employee teams or groups will help in the social distancing needs.
Employee training
Employers may offer video training to employees returning to work, so they are aware of the new rules. HR needs to train supervisors on the best way to enforce the social distancing policy. Encourage employees to wash hands properly at specified frequencies.
Employers need to stay updated about COVID-19 protocols recommended by CDC and mandated by the government.
To learn even more about managing remote teams and keeping employees working at home highly engaged, download our ebook now.
Download nowAbout Author: Andrew Dominik is the founder of Quality Guest Post , the leading content marketing site. He has considerable experience in internet marketing and business development. His areas of expertise are the development of marketing goals and strengthen online brand reputation. He loves to write about social media, entrepreneurship, business growth, and startups.
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