Employees spend ample time of their day working for your company. So, it is very important that they get recognized for all the hard work they do. In a traditional office setting, it is fairly easy to communicate appreciation for a completed task. However, with the current remote work scenario, it has become tougher for managers to show appreciation. And there is a higher chance of employee satisfaction drop because of the lack of recognition.
According to a study, an employee who has gotten recognition is 63% more likely to stay with you for long periods of time. Whereas another study says that productivity increases by 31% when employees are happy and well-engaged. All these study results only make it more obvious that we need to focus more on making the employees happy.
We should also mention that implementation of Recognition and Reward programs has in itself has become a tedious process. This blog will detail all the things that you need to know about setting up an efficient Recognition and Rewards system for your remote workers.
Steps to Implement a Recognition and Rewards Program
Step #1: Assessment
During this phase, you should take a look at the existing R&R program. For understanding the current program, reviews from your employees will be helpful. This is where the actual assessment starts. You will be running focus groups that aim to assess the effectiveness of the current R&R program.
The focus groups you organize must enable your employees to voice their opinions. And hence, it is always better to have separate focus groups for the management level employees and others. Get to know what your employees feel about your current reward system and how you can improve them. The next step in assessing your current R&R is by conducting employee satisfaction surveys. These surveys must focus solely on asking questions about the appreciation they get in the remote workspace and how it affects their attitude.
The final step in the assessment phase is writing a report on what changes you need to implement on the system. Furthermore, the report should also elaborate on the level of employees who would be directly impacted by the change in the system. For example, if you have remote employees working at different managerial levels, you should address level-specific issues in your report.
Step #2: Design
Ascertain which characteristics of employees will earn rewards and those that won’t. Your aim during this step is to design a model that offers benefits for the employees at the right time. Because, when it comes to remote work, late recognition is close to no recognition at all. In this step, you will also be concentrating on coming up with the types of rewards that you can give to your employees. For example, it may be incentives, or something as simple as gift cards.
Step #3: Execution
Now that you have completed designing the new Recognition and Rewards System, you must implement it in your organization. You can execute the program for your remote team by addressing the following factors:
- Eligibility
Remember the eligibility criteria you set during the design process? Put that into action by setting up an employee rewards software solution. For a remote team, there’s a high chance of forgetting your back-end employees. Eligibility criteria will let you be more inclusive and make sure that a spectrum of employees gets rewarded through your newer system.
- Support from top management
During the execution process, make sure that all the leaders approve of such a large-scale operation. Let them get involved and show their support for the program. For example, if you decide to recognize an employee’s talents through social media, a simple comment from the top management can make the employee’s day. And thus, improve their engagement.
- Measurement
Ensure that before you reward an employee, they have met the criteria for completing a task. Remote working conditions can sometimes make it tough to effectively measure milestones. So, it is necessary that you implement a proper system that lets you gather all the required data. You can also use this data to determine the progress of a project.
- Training
Training your employees to get accustomed to the new program is vital for its success. Employees should not feel forced to achieve the newly set goals for rewards. Instead, you should train to easily understand the benefits of the new Recognition and Rewards system. Communication is the only tool that will help make this process easier for you and your employees. Furthermore, assure them that the remote working condition will not in any way affect the rewarding system of the organization. That is how you get your employees to work with proper motivation.
Step #4: Evaluation
Like any other managerial process, this one also has an evaluation phase. This is a step overlooked by many failed reward program managers. The needs of employees constantly change, and so should the rewards. For instance, instead of just appreciating an employee on a Zoom call, post an appreciation post on your social media platforms. It will help them boast about their achievement among a bigger and more personal audience. You can start your evaluation by preparing a before and after document.
Various Ways In Which You Can Encourage Remote Workers
In this section of the blog, we will discuss the various ways in which you can show your appreciation for remote workers. If you give both onsite and remote workers, try to create a Recognition and Rewards system that prioritizes remote workers. There are many hurdles when it comes to implementing this for remote workers. But, everything is surmountable. Let us give you a few ideas for engaging your remote team.
Provide technology allowance
Technology plays an important part in making remote work possible. So, consider awarding your remote employees with an allowance to purchase better equipment.
Offer workspace upgrades
Assume that you got valuable new clients through the hard work of a single sales employee. Get them new upgrades for their home workspace. Buy them a comfortable chair as a symbol of appreciation. Let the other remote employees know about such benefits. Post this on social media to motivate others.
Provide health insurance
In these trying times, it is vital to take care of your employees’ health. Why not offer them healthcare benefits. There are many other things apart from health insurance that can interest your employees. For example, a gym membership, or a simple health drinks package.
Provide access to further learning opportunities
If you believe that an employee will be of more use after a certain academic program, why not enroll them in it. Fund them for research, course, or a training module that will help them progress in their field as well as in the organization.
Offer them break time
When a team of remote workers has completed a certain task successfully, give them a break from work. It may not be entirely productive at the moment. However, it will have a positive impact on the employees’ attitude towards your organization. Which eventually improves your employee retention rates.
Technology has made Recognition and Rewards systems easier to implement. Cloud solutions offer customizable options that let you have more control over your rewards program. It will help you provide timely rewards and recognition for your remote employees. Pro-tip: Communicate with your employees to arrive at the best decisions. More connection equals the success of the program.
About Author: Hetvi works as a Product Associate at Refrens.com - Online Invoice Generator & India's most powerful platform for freelancer's growth. She has worked for some renowned companies as a Brand and Digital marketing associate. You can follow Refrens.com on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
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