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Goal Tracking Software That Delivers Real Results

Give your teams a better way to set, track, and achieve their goals more effectively and reach their full potential. Create total alignment and a high-performance culture that delivers top results.

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Perform application screen on Goals section Perform application screen on Goals section

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Goal tracking application screen

Track All Goals on a Single Platform

Your employees can create their own goals and align them with individual, team, or company objectives. With performance tracking tools including performance reviews, OKR management, and ongoing KPI monitoring solutions, you make sure everyone is aiming for the right target.

  • Develop OKRs that unify your team
  • Collaborate and work toward shared progress
  • Track progress in real time
  • Identify possible obstacles to stay on target
  • Uncover inefficiencies to reduce unnecessary costs

Align, Monitor, Succeed

By aligning performance management software with goal management, you can ensure that individual goals are aligned with strategic objectives. Ongoing monitoring helps provide regular feedback to employees to highlight progress, identify possible obstacles, and recognize achievements.

  • Employees understand how their work contributes to the company’s success
  • Managers can track employee performance in real time
  • Teams can course correct as needed to achieve goals and grow the business
Perform application screen
Application screen with with goals and analytics
For Management

Increase Performance Company-Wide

Goal management software helps employees and teams achieve even their full potential – and the results that matter most for your company. Executives can steer the company in the right direction by making sure everyone is working toward critical priorities.

For HR

Drive Employee Engagement and Motivation

HR Cloud gives HR teams all the performance tracking tools they need to automate the performance process and foster a culture of continuous improvement and workforce development.

Employee Performance/Engagement graph
Custom Self Performance Review Form
For Employees

A New Sense of Purpose
– and Value

Give employees more control over their goals and career development, and provide ongoing feedback to keep them on track. With clear, measurable goals and a plan for how to achieve them, employees see how their work contributes to the company’s success.

Performance Management by the Numbers

Book Your Free Demo

35% of companies without performance systems find it difficult to boost productivity all year.


Only 14% of employees are motivated by traditional performance reviews.


81% of HR leaders constantly tweak their performance management strategies.

Looking for More?

HR Cloud delivers a wide range of solutions to manage the entire
employee lifecycle—and more.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have another question you don’t see here? Let us know how we can help.

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What is performance management?

Performance management refers to the process of setting clear expectations, assessing employee performance against those expectations, providing feedback, and taking actions to improve performance to ensure alignment with organizational goals and objectives.

What is goal management?

Goal management involves the systematic process of setting, tracking, and achieving specific objectives or targets aligned with the organization's overall mission and strategic priorities. This is often facilitated through the use of software to ensure clarity, accountability, and progress monitoring.

What are the benefits of goal management?

The practice helps employees understand the company’s goals and their role in supporting them. From a company perspective, goal management fosters true alignment across the entire organization, increasing the likelihood of achieving results that matter most.

Does HR Cloud offer goal management?

Yes. Our Perform solution is a comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of employees’ performance, including goal management and tracking. Learn more about Perform or request a free demo today.

Better Goal Tracking Starts Now

Ready to see how HR Cloud can help you improve goal management
– or any other HR process?

Book Your Free Demo